Problem with bluetooth enable

Hello. I´m tring to use of example code “SerialtoSerialBT” by when compiled it I have the following error #error Serial Bluetooth not available or not enabled. It is only available for the ESP32 chip.I´m using Wireless Stick Lite V3. Thanks for any information.

Hi the WSL V3 is based on the ESP32-S3 chip. This chip only supports Bluetooth LE, not classic Bluetooth like the ESP32 does. Therefore, the compile error is right. You will need to adapt the code to a BLE structure instead, or look for an example specifically for BLE.

Dear. thanks very much.

If you have any example for communication between Serial (console) and SerialBT ( for any app Android ). Could you send me?. Because I don´t find anythings.
Thanks. yours

Hi @mtibaldi, it sounds like you are not really aware of the differences between classic BT versus BLE. I suggest you first read up or watch a video on the working of BLE before you start uploading random sketches hoping that something clicks but you actually don’t know what’s happening.

But, I think the next sketch will get you into the right direction (using Arduino IDE menu layout):
Examples > ESP32 BLE Arduino > BLE_write or BLE_uart.
They won’t give you straight away what you are looking for, but if you read up on how BLE characteristics work, you’ll probably be able to piece things together.

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