I’m trying to build an ESP LoRa with an E-Paper-Display and a microSD-breakout. Additionally I’m using the build-in OLED (Heltec WIFI LoRa V2) and an I2C Keyboard (which, I think, should not affect the SPI).
So far so good, every component work for itself and also display wiht LoRa and Display with microSD.
But if I try to fit all three components together LORA stops initializing at Radio.Init(&RadioEvents);
When I physically detach the microSD-breakout, to initialization continues and the to other components work fine.
Do you have any ideas?
Lora: Heltec\ESP23_LoRaWAN^2.1.1
E-Paper: ZingJM\GxEPD2^1.3.6
microSD: FS.h, SD.h, … (pre-installed)
LORA: Internal
EPD: 2
microSD: 23
The microSD-breakout is from kwmobile.
Thanks in advance