Power adaptation on LoRaWan

I’m noob in LoRaWan and it may be that I am not fully understanding how it works.
I ran the LoRaWanOLED example using Heltec_ESP32 Library on a Wifi LoRa 32 V3 device connected to TTS network server (LoRaWan version 1.0.2) in REGION_AU915
It works ok but I have doubts about the handling of the dr and the power.

When the device starts send the joinRequest and then uplink messages at an interval of aprox 15 seg. as expected.

At the beginning the dr and the power is:

07:34:30.765 -> TX on freq 918200000 Hz DR 3 power 27

After some time with good rssi it changes to:

07:43:55.133 -> TX on freq 917000000 Hz DR 5 power 7

as expected

When I increase the distance from the device and the rssi decreases the dr changes as expected but the power remains at the same low value

08:23:51.100 -> TX on freq 917000000 Hz DR 0 power 7

Is this OK? I don’t think so

Thanks in advance

Usually, TTS tries to fix changes first using datarate, and tx power follows later. So if your device were to move into worse RSSI, it’s likely that it will try to maximize the tx power again.
But be warned - any support regarding TTN/TTSsandbox will expect you to change your uplink interval to at least once every three minutes, and while testing maybe do it on a button - press whenever you got something to test, but don’t let it run to waste.
Plenty of posts regarding FUP on the TTN forum…

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:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: wonder how hard the ban hammer will come down this week!

Again…I’m noob
I need a little more information and less popcorn.


All the information is there: uplink interval, FUP, forum …

15 seconds is almost a record for uplink intervals. Hopefully the :policeman::police_car::woman_judge: will be kind, as that rate, it’s going to be totally breaching the legal limits as well.

And your first question is answered in the comprehensive docs for TTS: https://www.thethingsindustries.com/docs/reference/adr/ - don’t forget, with great power comes great responsibility.

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