Possible bug in Example LoRaWAN_interrupt (0.0.5)


when i start the example the port für daily wake up is 2, thats fine.

After the first interrupt (Port 1) the daily wake up has the port 1 not 2.

I changed this commands and i think that fix the problem:

(Line 139)

prepareTxFrame( DEVPORT ); //new
//prepareTxFrame( appPort ); //old

Greetings E_T

Yes this is a bug as you say.

I’ll fix that code to use the #DEFINE consistently everywhere, it’s not as clean as it should be (and I wrote it, so mea culpa) which led to this bug after maintenance for the new APIs (and @Aaron testing). A comment or two wouldn’t hurt either.

Pull request submitted

@bwooce just merged your request

Wonderful, thanks @wasn that was really fast.