I created a script to decode the payload sent by lora node for HR-3633, and I’d like to test it, because now the payload returns only 2 parameters, one is the battery, second is the valves status.
Help me to test the script by provide different payloads. The script is in nodejs v20
import { performance } from 'perf_hooks';
const hexString = (buf) => buf.toString('hex').match(/../g).join(' ');
const decodeMap = {
// decode_array'
0b0000: (buf, pos) => {
const len = buf.readInt8(pos);
return [ len + 1, Buffer.copyBytesFrom(buf, pos + 1, len )];
// decode_double
0b0001: (buf, pos) => [8, buf.readDoubleLE(pos)],
// 'decode_float'
0b0010: (buf, pos) => [4, buf.readFloatLE(pos)],
// decode_bool
0b0011: (buf, pos) => [1, !!buf.readUInt8(pos)],
// decode_int8
0b0100: (buf, pos) => [1, buf.readInt8(pos)],
// decode_uint8
0b0101: (buf, pos) => [1, buf.readUInt8(pos)],
// decode_int16
0b0110: (buf, pos) => [2, buf.readInt16LE(pos)],
// decode_uint16
0b0111: (buf, pos) => [2, buf.readUInt16LE(pos)],
// decode_int32
0b1000: (buf, pos) => [4, buf.readInt32LE(pos)],
// decode_uint32
0b1001: (buf, pos) => [4, buf.readUInt32LE(pos)],
const decode_sensor_data = (buf) => {
const sensor_data = [];
let pointer = 0;
while (pointer < buf.length) {
// read first byte
const b = buf.readUInt8(pointer);
const pk_id = b >> 4;
const data_type = b & 0x0f;
pointer += 1;
const [step, data] = decodeMap[data_type](buf, pointer);
pointer += step;
if (pointer > buf.length) {
throw Error("Sensor data broken.");
return sensor_data;
const decode_payload = (bytes) => {
const data = [];
let pointer = 0;
while (pointer < bytes.length - 4) {
// two bytes
const sensor_id = bytes.readUInt16LE(pointer);
// one byte
const body_length = bytes.readInt8(pointer + 2);
pointer += 3;
const sensor_data = bytes.subarray(pointer, pointer + body_length);
sensor_id: sensor_id,
sensor: decode_sensor_data(sensor_data),
pointer += body_length;
return data;
const startTime = performance.now();
const frm_payload = "AAAEBV4VAAYADgMBEwEpAAAAADkAAAAA";
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
// {00 00} [04] (05 5e 15 00) {06 00} [0e] (03 01 13 01 29 00 00 00 00 39 00 00 00 00)
// decode uplink create buffer
const bytes = Buffer.from(frm_payload, 'base64');
const result = decode_payload(bytes);
const endTime = performance.now();
console.log(`Execution time: ${endTime - startTime} milliseconds`);
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 3));