No partial refresh on 863~928 LoRa WiFi BLE 2.13" 212x104 E-Ink

Hi there,

I got the “863~928 LoRa WiFi BLE 2.13” 212x104 E-Ink" V1.1.
Using Arduino with the “WiFi LoRa 32(V3)” board the example from is working.

This example always updates the display using the reset method, which is impractical for a smooth application.

The examples from do not work.

How can you apply a partial refresh?

Is this just the Wireless Paper (v1.1)?

It’s fully a integrated device with E-Ink, ESP32, WiFi etc.

That is indeed the Wireless Paper. There are some excellent sketches on GitHub for this board that will likely help you.

That is indeed the Wireless Paper.

Thank you. That was the missing hint! Following this setup: and uncommenting

EInkDisplay_WirelessPaperV1_1 display;

the example worked.

And the board supports partial refresh, as in the example:

Here's fastmode,
aka Partial Refresh
Don't use too often

Now there is only the question: “Why not use partial refresh too often?”

I’m not an eink expert, but in short, the pixels “wear out” faster if not fully refreshed.

So displaying the time: omit the seconds and update each minute makes it last longer.

That’s definitely up the right street indeed