I’m debugging why my device disappears from the TTN Console. I see in the Gateway console, that it is sending (unconfirmed) uplink messages, but the frame counter is low as if started again from 0.
I pressed the reset button. The serial monitor shows this:
08:52:00.517 -> Voltage: 4204
08:52:00.517 -> Humidity: 54.70% Temperature: 24.22°C Pressure: 1004.94hPa
08:52:00.517 -> AppDataSize: 18 AppData: 0 0 9 118 21 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 141 16 108 .
08:52:00.517 -> unconfirmed uplink sending ...
08:53:00.914 -> Into send state
08:53:00.914 ->
08:53:01.368 -> Voltage: 4206
08:53:01.368 -> Humidity: 54.77% Temperature: 24.24°C Pressure: 1004.95hPa
08:53:01.368 -> AppDataSize: 18 AppData: 0 0 9 120 21 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 143 16 110 .
08:53:01.368 -> unconfirmed uplink sending ...
08:53:56.912 -> Copyright @2019-2020 Heltec Automation.All rights reserved.
08:53:57.159 -> ChipID:C3A65983111D
08:53:57.159 ->
08:53:57.159 -> Wait 3s for user key to rejoin network
08:54:00.222 ->
08:54:00.222 -> LoRaWAN EU868 Class A start!
08:54:00.222 ->
08:54:00.423 -> User key not detected,Use reserved Net
08:54:00.423 ->
08:54:00.423 -> Next packet send 9413 ms later(random time from 0 to APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE)
08:54:00.423 ->
08:54:00.423 -> Interrupt attached
08:54:00.423 -> Starting w⸮Into send state
08:54:09.843 ->
08:54:10.292 -> Voltage: 4204
08:54:10.292 -> Humidity: 54.85% Temperature: 24.27°C Pressure: 1004.92hPa
08:54:10.292 -> AppDataSize: 18 AppData: 0 0 9 123 21 109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 140 16 108 .
08:54:10.292 -> unconfirmed uplink sending ...
08:55:11.330 -> Into send state
08:55:11.330 ->
08:55:11.730 -> Voltage: 4206
08:55:11.730 -> Humidity: 54.75% Temperature: 24.31°C Pressure: 1004.92hPa
08:55:11.783 -> AppDataSize: 18 AppData: 0 0 9 127 21 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 139 16 110 .
08:55:11.783 -> unconfirmed uplink sending ...
08:56:12.125 -> Into send state
08:56:12.125 ->
08:56:12.573 -> Voltage: 4208
08:56:12.573 -> Humidity: 55.34% Temperature: 24.37°C Pressure: 1004.91hPa
08:56:12.573 -> AppDataSize: 18 AppData: 0 0 9 133 21 158 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 138 16 112 .
08:56:12.573 -> unconfirmed uplink sending ...
I checked the gateway console. There is no join message. Instead the frame counter is increased to 65535 (so it turns to 0 with the next message):
(please ignore the one message from the other device)
Is this a bug that the frame counter is reset without a join?
Is there a workaround for this?
If necessary, I can provide my sketch.
Thank you very much