New CubeCell library release please?

Hi @Aaron, @Saber or @rsmedia, are you working towards a new stable release sometime soon? There have been a lot of positive changes since v0.0.4 (in Nov 2019) and we’re now seeing people unable to run code or running into already-fixed problems. Installing from GitHub is always possible but a higher barrier to getting started than just selecting in the Arduino board manager.

(I hope things are going well in China for you @Aaron , @Saber , &co and I’m sure you’re super keen to get back to your office. Keen to hear news of the ASR6502 module too )

Fully supporting @bwooce - I got the same experience. The sketch was not working and it took me some time to realise, that the v0.0.4 is outdated.

it is up to @Aaron or @Saber from Heltec to bring the 0.0.5 version.
I only have the rights on the github repository but not for the boardmanager files.

I agree that a new version is needed to use the board manager.
it is much easier for beginners than the github way.

Hi there

Yes, we have plans to release version 0.0.5 at the end of January. We had modified some code details and adding some new features. But we still haven’t returned to work normally… We are still waiting for the government announce the time back to work, so the development process is very slow. Hope to get back to work this week.

Thanks @Supporter I look forward to the release.

Best wishes for you all in the meantime, stay safe.


And I see my wish has been granted. Thanks @Aaron