Missing LoRaWAN_CCS811.ino.hex

Hello everyone,

I have a problem with my new CubeCell Capsule Solar Sensor. This Sensor has this MCU: ASR6501 (48 MHz ARM® Cortex® M0+ MCU, 128KB FLASH, 16KB SRAM). I have bought the CCS811 Sensor to this CubeCell Sensor.

I wanna upload my sketch with the DevEUI, AppKey, … Everytime I get an error. The compiler can’t execute an command. In addition, the compiler cannot find the file LoRaWAN_CCS811.ino.hex (see picture below).

I hope someone can help me. I would be very grateful for any help and information.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

You can choose another project to compile and see if it can compile normally.

I can take any project of this type and unfortunately the same error always occurs.

Thanks for your help anyway.

I find your user differently.

This will cause the computer to not find the file.