Manually set SpreadFactor (SF) on start with ADR=true

Hi everyone,
I wanted to ask if it is possible to manually set a starting value of Spread Factor?
I’m using LoraWAN heltec example on CubeCell - Dev-Board Plus - htcc-ab02.

Because by default with ADR = true, the Spread Factor with which the cubecell communicates is 7 but for long distances the cubecell struggles to communicate.


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I think this maybe related too, but for some reason LoRaWAN.setDataRateForNoADR(x); does not work for joins in none ADR setup either.

Regardless of whether ADR is true or false you cant seem to set the initial join SF, it always defaults to SF7.

This needs looking at.

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Any news on that topic? It would be super useful to be able to set an initial SF, even with ADR enabled.