Low power specs on HTCC-AB02s

I was wondering if anyone could clarify the low power specification for the AB02s board.

From the table below, I read Low Power - Deep Sleep 3.5uA but the Power Consumption says Sleep Mode (VBAT/Battery powered) 56uA Are these referring to the same deep-sleep, which one is correct?

And second question: I am using the low power example which makes a call to lowPowerHandler()
Does that take care of setting all the unused pins in a known state? I have removed all Serial outputs, is there anything else I should be taking care of to achieve the highest power saving.
I also made sure the USB cable is removed and reset the board after that.

My example, simply wakes up for 500ms every 60 seconds and reads the battery level (using the getBatteryVoltage API), sends the data and then goes back to low power.

It started with LiPo battery (1100mAh) at 4.06v, after 650 transmission it is down to 4.05, so at first sight, this is pretty good.


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AB02S needs to supply power to the RTC of the GPS module, so the situation you described will appear

Hello,can you share the code please.