LoRaWan with WIFI Lora 32v2 card

I tried samples to connect to Orange Live Object (a LoRaWan provider in France) and send some messages, but the library found on GitHub don’t pass the “join” process on OTAA but Orange has a “ok” on log for joining.
Is there anybody there how succeeded to use the card for LoRaWan or a documentation somewhere ?

I am able to connect to my private LoraWAN Network and also the TTN public network in the US. I have 2 end devices (WiFi-Lora 32 v2 and Wireless Stick Lite) using the LMIC library here:

I’ve had issues when using the Heltec ESP32 LoraWan library here: https://github.com/HelTecAutomation/ESP32_LoRaWAN but I am not sure which one you are using.

I tried LMIC but I’d prefer to use the Heltec LoRaWan library because it has less dependences.

There is a very strange problem with Orange Business Services LoRaWan gateway : with OTAA_OLED sample from Heltec library I see a join request, but nothing happens after that.
From other libraries, nothing compile or it doesn’t appear in the log on Orange back office.

Did anybody used this network (in France) ?

Finally it works and I don’t know why it didn’t previously.

Now, I only have to connect my GPS, SD card and CAN bus to see if it does what I need. :slight_smile: