LoRaWan.sleep Function

I am using a Heltec Radio ESP32 V2 with the OLED display. I am stuck on this issue!
My logic works till the timer interrupts and then I go to deep sleep. It never will wake up.
Does the cpp call LoRaWAN.sleep(loraWanClass,debugLevel) preserve the GPIO pin states for the wakeup by RTC GPIO transition?
I need to wake up using ext0 RTC GPIO wakeup, GPIO12 or GPIO13. This is a combination of Heltec and ESP32 functionality.

My code problem. Was not using the function:
esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(GPIO_NUM_12, LOW);
before I went to sleep. Error in logic would not call function and so after timer wakeup the GPIO event would to happen.