LORAWAN_Net_Reserve = ON. How to use this feature?

I am building helium mapper that can be used in areas where there are no LoRa/Helium gateways.

I want to be able to power down the device and turn it on later and just send data, without the need to join the network (I have the uplink mode set to UNCONFIRMED and I use OTAA mode).

The device I use is CubeCell GPS-6502 ( HTCC-AB02S).

There is this parameter in Arduino config LORAWAN_Net_Reserve and in description in examples there is:

/* set LORAWAN_Net_Reserve ON, the node could save the network info to flash, when node reset not need to join again */

Do you have any example where this feature is used? I looked and cannot find anything about it.

When I set LORAWAN_Net_Reserve to ON nothing changes in behaviour of the device.

As a base/start I used the code from here:

I will be grateful for any help.

Okay I searched a bit. And it cannot be done right now on console.helium.com

According to this:

There is no way to turn off Frame Counter on helium console right now.

The desired behavior could be achieved by using ABP activation method but it is also not supported by Helium right now
