LoRa P2P mode only communication


I don’t figure out how to code a Cubecell HTCC-AB01 program in order to :
1/ Enable AT commands
2/ disable Auto Low Power Mode at boot time (equivalent to the command AT+AutoLPM=0)
3/ Set LoRa Communication parameters : frequency, power, spread factor…, (equivalent of AT+LoraSet command)

My aim is to use only the AT+RX command in order to wait data periodically sent by an other Cubecell configured too in P2P LoRa. (The data are consumed by a Qt Application controling the cubecell via a serial port)

Actually, i’m uploading the [...]\.platformio\packages\framework-arduinocubecell\libraries\LoRa\examples\AT_Command\AT_command.ino sketch and I have to send manually all the preceding AT commands before to interface the Cubecell with my QT application.

any help would be appreciated