Lora example missing

Suddenly the Lora example is missing in the Arduino IDE. This used to work but now it is gone! In Board Manger it used to be called “CubeCells Dev-boards” as illustrated here https://heltec-automation-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cubecell/quick_start.html#install-cubecell-relevant-framework. Now it called “CubeCell Development Platform”.



Selecting the board:

But now no more LoRa examples!


This is really confusing and unreliable, please help.

the name changed with version 0.0.4 if you look in the json file.

you find the lora examples in the example section “for other boards” (i dont remember the right name).

in the library.properties file the option architectures is inconsistant sometimes it is ASR650x-Arduino sometimes CubeCell.
The documentation still uses the old BoardManager name CubeCell
this should be fixed for the next release

I am sorry but the LoRa examples previous provided e.g. PingPong is not available anymore not even at other boards. Is there a way to manually install CubeCell libraries and Examples?

you can install it using github and not the boardmanager.
that way you can allways have the newest fixes and dont have to wait for a new boardmanager version

Form your picture, the development framework seems already correctly installed, but I don’t know why you can’t see the LoRa folder with LoRa examples. I can see the LoRa path here:

I will test in my Mac tomorrow.

The strange thing is that I see the LoRa folder when I go into file system:Arduino%20packages
But not in the menu.