Lipo Battery where to get

Any of you has an idea where to get a Lipo battery which fits the CubeCell, unfortunately the connector is smaller as the ones found on Adafruit feather boards …


you can buy one from me, but perhabs problems with shipping if you are not in the eu.
or you can buy one at aliexpress for example:

I’m in the NL you have a link for me please.

Do you 'bigger" ones ?

There might be bigger ones but we only have the 100mAh ones. The Capsules normally ship with a 80mAh battery

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thanks but i don’t think they will ship batteries overseas …

Hi I have had batteries sent to Uk but did take a time (slow boat from China)

there is no problem buying battery on aliexpress.
I buy all my batteries in china

I can confirm that!


Thanks guys, I will give it a go.