Knowing when next I can send

I have some code which I’ve based on the LoRaWan_interrupt example, and everything works well… except if I have reason to send two packets in very close proximity to each other (eg, 1000ms apart), in which case the second one never arrives.

I can arrange to delay subsequent packets until the CubeCell is happy to proceed, but my question is: how do I know when it is ready to accept another LoRaWan.send() ?

I’m happy to wait until it’s all ready, but how do I know ?

The question applies for both unconfirmed and confirmed packets.

Thanks you for your help

– Ian

After second RX Time-Slot!

Why must you send two packets in very close proximity? Every event can stored in a buffer!

Hi Ernst, thanks for the reply.

The packets occur in response to external events, and the packet size does not allow two to be combined without exceeding 11 bytes.

Allowing for RX time slot seems ok, but what about a confirmed transmission - isn’t the software still dealing with the previous packet for an indeterminate period ?

This is caused by the duty cycle in Europe.

you can modify this define:

Hi Jason,

Thanks for the suggestion, but I’m using AS923, which already has duty cycle set to zero.