Joined confirmed

I am using the HTCC-AB01 cubecell card and I have a question, what is the way in which I can check that the cubecell has joined the gateway correctly?
Looking at the LoRaWan_APP.cpp file I can see that the verification is:
if (mlmeConfirm-> Status == LORAMAC_EVENT_INFO_STATUS_OK) {
and this is where the joined is shown on the serial monitor.
But I would like to be able to add a retry sequence in case it fails the first time, without having to wait for it to go to the part where the serial monitor shows that it will retry to join in 30s.
I am using my own gateway, which I turn off to verify the way the cubecell tries to join.
I hope I’ve complied with the forum rules


"I am using the HTCC-AB01 cubecell card and I have a question, what is the way in which I can check that the cubecell has joined the gateway correctly?"

please refer the picture:

”But I would like to be able to add a retry sequence in case it fails the first time, without having to wait for it to go to the part where the serial monitor shows that it will retry to join in 30s.“
The number of times the node sent data.
Equal to 1 means to send data only once.
Assuming it is equal to 4, if the node has successfully received Downlink from the server, it will not resend the data. If the node has not received Downlink from the server, it will have sent data until the node receives the data below or the number of times reaches 4 times.

Thanks for your answer.
Is the number of retries waiting to receive a downlink executed instantaneously or is there a time between retries?

“or is there a time between retries?”

yes, It’s this one.

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