Join Request-Server sent response Radio Did Not Respond

Hello, Using Heltec V2 board (ESP32 Dev Board), Lorawan. libraries.
I can join, NAM1 cloud says I joined, but the Arduino text log says “joining…” but never says “joined”. The radio never receives an acknowledgement of Joining? I cannot send data. I have an example code sketch and it works fine, I get the joined message.
Ideas of what to try?
It looks like some library code for LoRaWan are hidden, i.e. no source provided? Do you provide all the source code?

The problem was in the example code from Arduino that uses the Heltec Radio. They declare a global variable that is used in the “join” code and changed in the lorawan cpp file. I did not use the code in the loop of the example code that uses deviceState. The variable is changed in the lorawan cpp code. Poorly written code. I change my code to let lorawan cpp change the variable then return to the loop() in the example. Works now.