Issues with Heltec Tracker v1.1 VBAT reading

Ive just been trying out my Tracker v1.1 and testing it to read the VBAT off GPIO1.
I am powering the tracker through the JST 2.5mm battery connector underneath it with an 18650.
For some reason all I can see is a random voltage of about 1.14V.
Not sure whats going on but I had no such issues with the Wifi LoRa 32 V3’s

Here is my code, I am also looking at trying to get GPS lock too as I an new to the UC6250.

Any help appreciated.

#include “HT_st7735.h”

#include “Wire.h”

#include “Heltec.h”

#include <HardwareSerial.h>

HT_st7735 st7735;

HardwareSerial mySerial(1); // UART1 for GPS (RX=16, TX=17)

#define VBAT_CONTROL_PIN 2 // GPIO2 controls the voltage divider

#define VBAT_ADC_PIN 1 // GPIO1 = ADC1_CH0

void setup() {


Heltec.begin(true, false, true); // OLED on, LoRa off, Serial on



st7735.st7735_write_str(10, 10, “Initializing GPS…”, Font_7x10, ST7735_WHITE, ST7735_BLACK);

// Set up GPS

mySerial.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, 16, 17);

// Set up VBAT reading


digitalWrite(VBAT_CONTROL_PIN, HIGH); // Enable the voltage divider

delay(10); // Small delay to allow voltage to stabilize


void loop() {


// — Battery Voltage —

int vbat_read = analogRead(VBAT_ADC_PIN);

float batteryVoltage = (vbat_read * 4.9) / 4095.0; // According to Heltec

String vbatText = “VBAT: " + String(batteryVoltage, 2) + " V”;

st7735.st7735_write_str(10, 10, vbatText.c_str(), Font_7x10, ST7735_WHITE, ST7735_BLACK);


// — GPS Data —

String gpsData = “”;

while (mySerial.available()) {

char c =;

gpsData += c;

delay(1); // short delay to catch full sentence


if (gpsData.length() > 0) {

st7735.st7735_write_str(10, 30, "GPS:", Font_7x10, ST7735_GREEN, ST7735_BLACK);

st7735.st7735_write_str(10, 45, gpsData.c_str(), Font_7x10, ST7735_WHITE, ST7735_BLACK);

Serial.println("GPS: " + gpsData);

} else {

st7735.st7735_write_str(10, 30, "Waiting for GPS fix...", Font_7x10, ST7735_YELLOW, ST7735_BLACK);


delay(2000); // Refresh every 2 seconds
