I’m using the wireless tracker for a university project:
Remote sensor data collection module that will push the collected data alongside GPS telemetry to a The Things Network Application.
I have managed to extract the license, AppEUI, AppKey, and DevEUI. I then registered the device on The Things Network console. When I use any of the LoraWAN examples, I set the channel Mask to [{0xFF00}…] since that is required for TTN here in Canada, or else it uploads on the incorrect sub-frequencies.
I was able to get activity from my node in TTN:
The problem is that my node is saying:
“join failed, join again at 30s later”
In the serial terminal, so it’s clear that the program is not recognizing the successful join. How can I resolve this issue? I’m also new to LoRa in general so some documentation on using the LoRa code would be nice.
Other question: Why is the Wireless Tracker code isolated from Heltec Dev Board Repo, and authored by just one person? I’m going to be building a moderately large program so I was hoping to build in PlatformIO, but now I’m relegated to using this library in Arduino, which is a pain for multi-file management, intellisense etc.
update: am no longer able to see my device in the ttn console