HW-691 MLX90614ESF don't work on I2C AB02S

Hello there, I got 4 sensors HW-691 MLX90614ESF to test them with the AB02S.


I have been trying some days now to communicate with no success. I am trying in the I2C1, I have tried alreay many sensors in the bus so the bus is working good.

I have not been to get any interaction from the sensor. The sensor have BAA writen in it so the feeding is 3V that is checked. Also I saw the sensor has the pullup resistors so its alone in the bus.

I tried the solution in this post

But is not working anyway.

It is no even getting the sensor ID usin the I2C_Scan Sketch from the CubeCell-GPS Example files.

Have anyone got some experience with this sensor? I got 4 of them, none is working…

I am using the original wire library coming from the cubecell libray

I appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance,

I have tried the sensors in an Arduino Board and they ar working. I have also been able to run other sensors in the bus with no problem. I also tried with another AB02S and got the same problem…