I recently bought 5 Heltec WiFi LoRa 868Mhz devices.
The ones I received are marked ‘HTIT-WB32LAF’ on the back.
Question: are these the 470-510 MHz version?..
I recently bought 5 Heltec WiFi LoRa 868Mhz devices.
The ones I received are marked ‘HTIT-WB32LAF’ on the back.
Question: are these the 470-510 MHz version?..
The [863~928] ones I have have both HTIT-WB32LA and HTIT-WB32LAF marked on the back, but there is a resistor adjacent to the HTIT-WB32LA text (and just two ‘vacant’ solder pads adjacent to the HTIT-WB32LAF text). These are only the V3 modules, not the V3.1 ones, so things may have changed.
The problem I have with these new ones, comparing with my slightly older ones which are marked 'WiFi_LoRa_32_V3", is that after flashing the meshtastic firmare, they crash in a loop, something related to bluetooth initialization it seems…
The older ones are working perfectly, with the exact same firmware… I tried multiple versions of course…
Might be a faulty batch?..
If they’re all failing the same way, my first reaction would be that Heltec has changed something between the V3 and V3.1 boards without telling us or modifying the necessary support code (i.e. a [Heltec] software, rather than hardware problem). Unfortunately, Heltec has form in this regard…
Sometimes you can get to the bottom of the problem if the relevant error message identifies a particular [library] file. If you’re up to it, that would then involve working through the relevant configuration file or piece of code and modifying it as required. These things are often just [internal] configuration issues rather than fundamental coding problems.
I have exacly the same problem. I’ve bought V3.1 boards for 868Mhz from two suppliers here in Europe, already. The box says LoRa 32 863~928, but on the board I find the text HTIT-WB32LAF. According to the datasheet, this should be the chineese variant.
I found the propper librarys for arduino IDE and where able to flash it, but the LoRaWAN gateway isn’t receiving anything.
The ‘open Pads’ and the resistor are named LF and HF on my board. The resistor sits on HF.
Did anybody solve this problem? Where to get help? I cannot figure out if I need another library or another board again.
Thanks in advance
Unfortunately I had to return mines, and Heltec send me replacements…
Even with the replacements, 2 out of 5 don’t behave correctly…
Sorry I can’t help more…
I think I might be on to something. I’ve got two batches of faulty v3.1 from two different Amazon sellers, and the CP2102 chip is overheating badly to the point it can’t be touched without burning yourself and failing after a few minutes of operation - as well as boot looping on the latest meshtastic beta.
Upon closer inspection, I’ve noticed the CP2102 chip on the back of all of them is labeled “S1LABS” whereas a genuine chip should read “SILABS”. I suspect some v3.1 boards in circulation are made with counterfeit components.
Did you acquire yours directly from Heltec or through a third-party supplier? Can you check how “SILABS” is spelled on your CP2102?
Triple posting runs the risk of spreading the answers over three threads which ends up losing the shared knowledge that comes from having one thread so you might want to consider deleting the other two posts. It rarely prompts the people on a thread to jump to answer & usually causes irritations - on other forums this is considered a crime against humanity puppies.
This is what mine looks like - click on it to enbiggen.
Generally even the counterfeit ones work and if they don’t, some basic QA should pick it up. So I’d check there aren’t any short circuits - crud on the board - or try a different USB cable - the whole reversible USB C lead can have complications and isn’t as helpful as some would say.