HTCC-AB02S. Serial port 1 loses GPS data packets if you send data through port 0

I try to send something on Serial 0 at the same time to receiving GPS data from Serial1. But Serial1 lose some bytes. I maked this test project to show this problem

Programm printing “0” to Serial0 and at the same time checking recieved nmea checksum data. If it ok is printing “1”. Else printing “error”.

Programm protocol:

Write something to Serial0.
ERROR 49<>0 $GNGGA,,01
ERROR D<>0 $GNGGA,,0,00,25.,,,,,,,,SV,1,1,0E
Silent mode to Serial0.
Write something to Serial0.

I think it is buffer problem. How to increase serial rx buffer size?

This itself cannot be done at the same time, you need to receive the data from serial port 1 first, and then use serial port 0 to send it.

You can send and receive on different ports at the same time. The problem is that the size of the receive buffer is only 8 bytes. And if you do not have time to read it in time (for example, a software operation takes more than 5 ms), then the data in the buffer is replaced by new ones.

Look at 61 line in my programm.

The one you mentioned is a register, and there should be no way to change its size.