HTCC-AB02S Rel 1.1 onboard GPS not working

Device does not work with printGPSinfo example. About to return it to Amazon,

Date/Time: 2000/00/00 00:00:00.00
LAT: 0.000000, LON: 0.000000, ALT: 0.00
SATS: 0, HDOP: 25.50, AGE: 4294967295, COURSE: 0.00, SPEED: 0.00

Date/Time: 2000/00/00 00:00:00.00
LAT: 0.000000, LON: 0.000000, ALT: 0.00
SATS: 0, HDOP: 25.50, AGE: 4294967295, COURSE: 0.00, SPEED: 0.00

Date/Time: 2000/00/00 00:00:00.00
LAT: 0.000000, LON: 0.000000, ALT: 0.00
SATS: 0, HDOP: 25.50, AGE: 4294967295, COURSE: 0.00, SPEED: 0.00

Does the device have a clear view of the sky? It won’t work indoors, if you’re lucky maybe in the window but for best results it should really be outside with an unobstructed sky view.
Use an external GPS antenna for further improvement.
Even with a good signal it takes some 3-5 minutes to get a GPS fix from the cold start.

Hello @gztproject, How do we know what GP module in contained in the IG12?

The only thing I get is SATS: 0, HDOP: 25.50, AGE: 4294967295, COURSE: 0.00, SPEED: 0.00

Date/Time: 2023/21/03 16:24:51.00
LAT: 0.000000, LON: 0.000000, ALT: 0.00
SATS: 0, HDOP: 25.50, AGE: 4294967295, COURSE: 0.00, SPEED: 0.00

Using Air530Class GPS or Air530ZClass GPS

Thanks in advance,

It is working now. I has the G12 chips and used the Air530ZClass GPS library… It takes a lot of time to get the data from satellites. But once it get it next time the waiting is shorter…

Which example did you use?
I tried the one that was on the device by holding the user button down, Factory_Test_AB02S.ino with
//#include “GPS_Air530.h”
#include “GPS_Air530Z.h”
//if GPS module is Air530, use this
//Air530Class GPS;
//if GPS module is Air530Z, use this
Air530ZClass GPS;
#define RF_FREQUENCY 915000000 // Hz
And changing GPS_Air530Z.cpp by uncommenting
which allowed me to see that I was not getting a connection regardless of the baud. It appears they figure out what baud to connect with, get connected then send the baud they want to use to the device and reconnect…