Htcc-ab02s GPS exampe stops working after some hours

If you’re using Platformio, just change the line in platformio.ini from “platform = asrmicro650x” to “platform = heltec-cubecell”.

The asrmicro650x platform contains the error which is now deprecated.

This needs to be done manually because Platformio automatically selects asrmicro650x when setting up a new project with this board.

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HTCC-AB02s with GPS_Air530.h
I have been trying to find a solution to this issue of the GPS example freezing after about 4~5 cycles. I am not sure exact what is going on but I have found my own work around. It may not suit people because it will affect the battery consumption. I have just commented out the sleep command. So far it has run continuously since…


      // LoRaWAN.sleep();


I hope this helps. I am totally frustrated by the lack of a documented solution to this by Heltec or in the forums.

GPS works if you only use it by itself, try that first. exclude all other pins and dont use display
I purchased this board specifically for its built-in GPS feature, but it has become apparent that this very feature does not function properly. Heltec products have with virtually no documentation—only some basic, undocumented source code examples.

While a totally agree on bad support and non-existent documentation, I’d like to vouch for the hardware - the product itself is actually good. But it does require digging in and investing time and skills to get them to do exactly what you want, which usually involves getting rid of all their own libraries and just regarding it as some plain hardware.