HTCC-AB02 flashing but code not working on the device

Hi there,

After playing around with the battery on my device today, the code doesn’t work anymore.
I am able to flash new software on the device, but nothing, even the simple sketches do not work.
I’ve also tried entering the bootloader and uploading the code, same result.

Any ideas?


How did you confirm that your code isn’t working? An important note is that the onboard LED does not light up when powered by battery so as to save power. It only lights up when connected to USB.

I had a full circuit with buttons and leds (and LoRaWAN ofc) that worked with USB connected. With battery it stopped working. Then I flashed a simple serial.printlns, but no output was given to the serial console. All this on USB, so I’m confirming the code doesn’t work.