HTCC-AB01 with BME/BMP280 doesn't work

Hi, I’m trying to get measuraments from this BME/BMP280 bought from aliexpress, here is the link

I tried almost everything possible , here we are:
1 - Example code from Arduino IDE called bme280_example in the Third party tab.
This used the “Seeed_BME280.h” library and the result from serial was “Device error” followed by
zero measuraments (this happens cause that sketch does not brake when got an error…still going)
Pressure: 0.00Pa
Altitude: 44330.76m
Humidity: 0%

2 - Using the I2C scan sketch result in A LOT of sensors found, from address 0x01 to 0x7E
I2C device found at address 0x01 !
I2C device found at address 0x02 !
I2C device found at address 0x7D !
I2C device found at address 0x7E !

3 - Using the MultiSensorAutoRecognize gave 1 sensor found at address 0x01 and stopped the script

Copyright @2019-2020 Heltec Automation.All rights reserved.
I2C device found at address 0x01 !

4 - Using the bme280test on the Adafruit BME280 Library also didn’t help, the result was:
Could not find a valid BME280 sensor, check wiring, address, sensor ID!
SensorID was: 0x0
ID of 0xFF probably means a bad address, a BMP 180 or BMP 085
ID of 0x56-0x58 represents a BMP 280,
ID of 0x60 represents a BME 280.
ID of 0x61 represents a BME 680.

5 - Tried the Wire.begin() setting a specific frequency

6 - Tried the SPI connection using


7 - I also tried the mixed sketch using bmp.begin (0x76)/(0x77)/(0x76,0x58) when calling that function but still returning “0” value and saying that couldn’t communicate to the sensor.

Addition info: - I’m using 2 pullup resistors 4.7k, one SCL pin and one SDA pin
- SCL Sensor pin connected to pin 28 (HTCC)
- SDA Sensor pin connected to pin 29 (HTCC)
- VIN Sensor connected to pin VIN (HTCC)
- GND Sensor connected to pin GND (HTCC)

Checking voltages I garantee the sensor has 5v DC on it’s input.
The main thing here is that HTCC Cubecell can’t see it.
I also tried using a ESP32 Heltec V2 and got same results, no measuraments and "0"returned from bme.begin();
I have 3 of these sensors and tested all of them, no changes, almost giving up this thing…
any comments would be wellcome, I may provide more details or debug if needed,
thanks in advance!

If the normal IIC address cannot be scanned using I2C scan, you can check the connection to see if there is a problem of poor contact. You can remove the pull-up resistors. There is a set of pull-up resistors on the sensor module.

Thank you for your reply Shaffer, but I really don’t think about connection issues since I tested 3 of these guys and also tested other modules HTCC-AB02 and ESP32v2 Lora.

Today I tested my HTCC using a BMP180, I2C OK, measuraments OK using pullup resistors (without it doesn’t work), I2C scan shows address 0x77.
Now back to the topic, it seems to be a specific issue or setup about this cheap sensor, I still duno if it’s a BMP ou BME, searching on the web still there’s no agreement about what it is. Found some info saying the address 0x76 and chipID 0x60, I tried but still nok.

For those who faced same issue as me, after long search and troubleshooting I found some information about these case, it seems to be a bad bunch produced “BMP180”, someone sad it was solded inverted 180 degrees on the pc board.
I really do not recommend buying that cheap aliexpress sensor board, at your own risk.
I order another sensor board to test it.


The size is different of BME280/BMP280

If it is BMP280 than it mount reverse 180deg.