hello everyone.i want to use cubecell to carry my own data to send gateway.But in the LoraWan example , i cannot understand the logic of this program .I read the documentation in the Heltec and website,unfortunately,it doesnot work。There are two problems for me .Firstly,what is the meaning of sentence:uint8_t appPort = 2;port mean what?Secondly,in my opinion,static void prepareTxFrame( uint8_t port ),this fucation can be used to send data that you want to transform,what is the meaning of the example of 0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03。 。If anyone know how to program code to send own data,i wish you can help me to complete my project.Thanks a lot !
HTCC-AB01 in arduino how to carry own data
appData[0] = (byte) mydata1;
appData[1] = (byte) mydata2;