I have two CubeCell AB01, them both had a consumption of under 10 micro Amperes, ok with the specifications. Then one of them raised its consumption to near 5 mA. I was using this unit for testing purposes, tought that was something I’ve done wrong. But today the other did it too! I’ve been registering its battery level (a 3.7V Li-ion 2200 mAh) and the voltage level was linear for the last 10 days. By midnight the voltage began to drop linearlly also, but at a much higher rate. The consumption raise to near 5 mA as the first one. What can that be? Something burned? This second unit only did this.
HTCC-AB01 consumption raised
Is the low power consumption of both boards 5mA? Which program do you use?
Yes, both boards had a less than 10 uA of consumption and from nothing it raised to near 5 mA. Using the LorawanABP example. Tried to use sleep timer and gpio examples also.
It worked well for many days before It happened.
maybe your gpios are floating?
I tried it all, put gpio ports as input, as output low, as output high…
It seems that something burned, cause it worked ok for more than 10 days isolated, just measuring battery level, then battery began to drop in a higher rate, did it alone. And it happened with my two units. I think that it could be some a problem with ADC port.