HTCC-AB01 Can't work in AS923 band

Dear All,

I have use HTC-AB01 to config it for AS923 band and use the LoRaWan_interrupt.ino program to check it. The device will hang-up after “join failed” around 40 second. But I try to config it to band AU915, it is working normal, it will try to re-join the network after 30 second. Pls comment on this problem and help me to fix it.

04:37:39.752 -> Copyright @2019-2020 Heltec Automation.All rights reserved.
04:37:40.079 -> Interrupts attached
04:37:40.079 ->
04:37:40.079 -> AT Rev 0.8
04:37:40.079 ->
04:37:40.079 -> +LORAWAN=1
04:37:40.079 ->
04:37:40.079 -> +KeepNet=0
04:37:40.079 -> +OTAA=1
04:37:40.079 -> +Class=A
04:37:40.079 -> +ADR=1
04:37:40.079 -> +IsTxConfirmed=1
04:37:40.079 -> +AppPort=2
04:37:40.079 -> +DutyCycle=86400000
04:37:40.079 -> +ConfirmedNbTrials=4
04:37:40.079 -> +ChMask=0000000000000000000000FF
04:37:40.126 -> +DevEui=2232330000888802(For OTAA Mode)
04:37:40.126 -> +AppEui=0000000000000000(For OTAA Mode)
04:37:40.126 -> +AppKey=88888888888888888888888888886601(For OTAA Mode)
04:37:40.126 -> +NwkSKey=15B1D0EFA463DFBE3D11181E1EC7DA85(For ABP Mode)
04:37:40.126 -> +AppSKey=D72C78758CDCCABF55EE4A778D16EF67(For ABP Mode)
04:37:40.126 -> +DevAddr=007E6AE1(For ABP Mode)
04:37:40.126 ->
04:37:40.126 ->
04:37:40.126 -> LoRaWAN AS923 Class A start!
04:37:40.126 ->
04:37:40.265 -> joining…TX on freq 923400000 Hz at DR 2
04:37:40.686 -> Event : Tx Done
04:37:45.692 -> RX on freq 923400000 Hz at DR 2
04:37:45.738 -> Event : Rx Timeout
04:37:46.673 -> RX on freq 923200000 Hz at DR 2
04:37:46.719 -> Event : Rx Timeout
04:37:47.281 -> join failed, join again at 30s later


we are vacation. We will test after the holiday.


we have tested the code and works well.

could you try The following method?

  1. git pull and Re-flash the firmware.
  2. check your gateway and servers.