Dear All,
I have use HTC-AB01 to config it for AS923 band and use the LoRaWan_interrupt.ino program to check it. The device will hang-up after “join failed” around 40 second. But I try to config it to band AU915, it is working normal, it will try to re-join the network after 30 second. Pls comment on this problem and help me to fix it.
04:37:39.752 -> Copyright @2019-2020 Heltec Automation.All rights reserved.
04:37:40.079 -> Interrupts attached
04:37:40.079 ->
04:37:40.079 -> AT Rev 0.8
04:37:40.079 ->
04:37:40.079 -> +LORAWAN=1
04:37:40.079 ->
04:37:40.079 -> +KeepNet=0
04:37:40.079 -> +OTAA=1
04:37:40.079 -> +Class=A
04:37:40.079 -> +ADR=1
04:37:40.079 -> +IsTxConfirmed=1
04:37:40.079 -> +AppPort=2
04:37:40.079 -> +DutyCycle=86400000
04:37:40.079 -> +ConfirmedNbTrials=4
04:37:40.079 -> +ChMask=0000000000000000000000FF
04:37:40.126 -> +DevEui=2232330000888802(For OTAA Mode)
04:37:40.126 -> +AppEui=0000000000000000(For OTAA Mode)
04:37:40.126 -> +AppKey=88888888888888888888888888886601(For OTAA Mode)
04:37:40.126 -> +NwkSKey=15B1D0EFA463DFBE3D11181E1EC7DA85(For ABP Mode)
04:37:40.126 -> +AppSKey=D72C78758CDCCABF55EE4A778D16EF67(For ABP Mode)
04:37:40.126 -> +DevAddr=007E6AE1(For ABP Mode)
04:37:40.126 ->
04:37:40.126 ->
04:37:40.126 -> LoRaWAN AS923 Class A start!
04:37:40.126 ->
04:37:40.265 -> joining…TX on freq 923400000 Hz at DR 2
04:37:40.686 -> Event : Tx Done
04:37:45.692 -> RX on freq 923400000 Hz at DR 2
04:37:45.738 -> Event : Rx Timeout
04:37:46.673 -> RX on freq 923200000 Hz at DR 2
04:37:46.719 -> Event : Rx Timeout
04:37:47.281 -> join failed, join again at 30s later