HT-M00 863 ~928 Has only eu868 topic?


I just received my HT-M00 gateways. I have them all working on the network, however, when I have my node connect I get an error that the frequency doesn’t match the region. I don’t see where I can set the region in the HT-M00

chirpstack-docker-chirpstack-1 | 2024-05-13T00:07:30.378089Z INFO chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Message received from gateway region_id=“eu868” topic=eu868/gateway/f7ed7a08dfb462f4/event/up qos=AtMostOnce json=false
chirpstack-docker-chirpstack-1 | 2024-05-13T00:07:30.581336Z ERROR chirpstack::uplink: Deduplication error error=No channel found for frequency: 902500000, dr: 5
chirpstack-docker-chirpstack-1 | 2024-05-13T00:07:32.634744Z INFO chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Message received from gateway region_id=“eu868” topic=eu868/gateway/f7ed7a08dfb462f4/event/stats qos=AtMostOnce json=false

There is nowhere to change it on the device or Chirpstack. What do I have wrong?


I fixed it. I am using the dicker version and it has to be changed in the docker compse yml file. It default to eu863.

Topic closed.