How totally disable ADR and force DR0?

I try with menu option ADR false.
confirmedNbTrials = 1;

But the device continues TX in multiples DR.

@jasonXu or @Supporter please help with this.

I have solar panel power so I don’t need to keep battery. I need stable communication.


we have test it. it work fine…

@jasonXu I test again. Continue TX in DR3.
I have also test with the loraWan example.
I have SDK pull from git version:
Heltec CubeCell (ASR650X) Arduino Support V1.2.0


I found the isse. The join process are made on DR3 but after the regular TX are made on DR0.

The join DR is alternated in this function as default. When it set to DR_4, but no channels with DR_4 are enabled, it reduce to DR_3.
You can modify this function to set your jion DR.