How to connect Turtle board SPI to W5500 Ethernet module?

Look at the pin out of turtle board, there is no CSC pin from SPI, how to connect this pin to W5500? Any connection diagram between Turtle to W5500 I can get that
This Turtle board’s SPI is dedicated by used of W5500, no need to configure or do something?

Turtle MISO – W5500 MISO
Turtle MOSI – W5500 MOSI
Turtle SCK – W5500 SCK
Those three pins are also used for LoRa SPI communication, you just need change a NSS for W5500. For example:
W5500 NSS – Turtle PB7

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To work properly with the W5500 you need to connect as well the W5500 Interrupt pin to one GPIO and register the pin via:

  • InterruptIn etherIntr(XXX); // your GPIO
  • etherIntr.fall(callback(&ethernetIO));

The void ethernetIO(void) function does not need to do anything, just sent the INT_ETHER flag (add to main.h, use:

  • InterruptMSG(INT_ETHER);

The interrupt will wakeup the MCU from sleep/deepsleep and in the main routine you can check Ethernet IO in the main loop via

  • if (pendirqs & INT_ETHER) {

We wish you success with your projects.

PS: Don’t forget that the SPI bus can be used with one device at a time. (LoRa or Ethernet). You can use UpdateNodeStartup() to switch LoRa into an OffLine mode which means no incoming LoRa Interrupts.