Fill in the HT-M01 information as shown below and complete the addition.
If you are using packet_forwarder_UI in Windows® and forwarding the message to the TTN, you need to:
- Select the frequency band.
- Check the box to the contents.
- Click OK to start forwarding.
If you are using packet_forwarder forwarding in Raspberry Pi (Linux)
The global_conf file needs a few changes. To edit it type:
nano /home/pi/lora/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/global_conf.json/global_conf.json
At the end of the file make these changes:
“gateway_ID”: “YOUR_GATEWAY_ID”,
“server_address”: “”,
“serv_port_up”: 1700,
“serv_port_down”: 1700,
Restart the forwarding service after the change is complete.
Going back to TTN, you will get this: