How can i enable display using adafruit libray?

I am not able to work or rewrite simple codes looking at the code of heltec libraries. I am not professional coder, more of hobbyist nowadays. I was impressed by LoRa protocol and compact size and battery connection all those amaing features of “WiFi_LoRa_32_V3”.
I am not even able to turn ON display on my own let alone Lora and data trasmission.

adafruit display libary and wire communication are not working, no error in compilation.

The sample codes do not work for me, errors in compilation. Schematic showing different pins and sample codes has diffferent pins used for SDA, SCL. I am confused.

Anybody has written any libraries or code which hobbyist can understand. As simple as other Arduino compatible boards. Heltec is super complicated for me i guess.

any advice please?

I’ve had success with driver.
#include “SSD1306Wire.h”
SSD1306Wire display(0x3c, SDA_OLED, SCL_OLED);
Those were defined by just selecting the correct board in Platformio. Not sure if the Arduino IDE has those defined or not.

Some code for the setup() function

Some display code
display.drawString(15, 10, “Hello”);

Its the not the Adafruit driver you ask about but one that I had success with.

You should first install the latest version of arduino and the heltec libraries as described in the good docs of heltec. You won’t go anywhere, if you can’t compile the sample code that comes with the libraries from heltec.
If this is too complicated for you, you probably should start with arduino itself and some easier board that is supported by arduino directly.