Heltec wifi lora v3 deep sleep until lora message

Hi all,
I’m using two heltec wifi lora v3 boards with the arduino IDE and I’m sending lora messages between them.
I seem to be having issues with the deep sleep and even light sleep and possibly I’ve missed something.
I can put one board to sleep, leave the other as is and transmitting every few seconds for testing purposes.
However the deep sleep seems to constantly reset my device that’s configured for deep sleep.
I see that on the v3 that DIO1 is connected to GPIO14 so I’m using that.
However it doesn’t wake on this but rather resets constantly even though messages aren’t being received constantly. I’ve switched off the transmitter to confirm.
I’m aware that deep sleep resets the heltec board but in light sleep I get the board entering sleep and not waking up.
For sanity I also configured the PRG button to wake the board and that works.
Any advice or anyone run into similar issues.
To get around this is was thinking of waking the heltec up every few seconds to check for messages etc but I want to see if I can get deep sleep working on the ‘receiver’ board.
Any advice is greatly appreciated