I have an WiFi LoRa 32(V3) and want it to communicate with Arduino Uno + Dragino shield(which uses Sandeep mistry’s LoRa.h library). I am following this documentation by @UniquePete.
I have the latest versions of all the board managers, libraries and IDE.
Arduino IDE version 2.3.2
Heltec ESP32 boards version 1.0.0
Heltec ESP32 library version 1.1.5
Added https://github.com/Heltec-AaronLee/WiFi_Kit_series/releases/download/1.0.0/package_heltec_esp32_index.json in the file preferences.
Added the LoRaWan102 library from Heltec ESP framework. During compiling I am getting the error "undefined reference to `Radio’ ". I am trying to solve it from the past 2 days but couldn’t do it. I am completely new to this, so please help me.