I am using open source firmware for my project on the Heltec V3 Board, and attempting to flash the firmware onto the esp32s3 via PlatformIO/VSCode via an ESP Prog debug probe. Here is the guide I have followed. During the flashing stage I am running into:
A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: No serial data received.
After intensive troubleshooting, I ruled out a lot of potential issues like the ESP-Prog driver installation, wiring errors, and baud rate. The debug probe is connected to one of my COM ports, and attempts to interface via a flashing LED indicator, and terminal output “Connecting with COM10…”. My feeling is that the Heltec Board is not in the proper boot mode to allow firmware flashing. I tried holding the PRG button, pushing RST, and releasing PRG, but nothing about the board indicates it is in a boot mode. Does anyone have experience with this debug setup or flashing the V3 board without a USB connection (I’m using the JTAG interface for the ESP-Prog)? Should there be an obvious indication by the OLED display about boot mode?