Heltec V3 Meshtastic issues

All the below is with firmware 2.3.13 I have three units for testing, all are acting the same.

Test setup: Modules are set up with defaults other than a unique ID under “user”, and a correct fixed GPS location. Output is coupled onto a U/fl to SMA cable, into a 10dB pad, and then into a spectrum analyzer. Max input on the analyzer is +20dB, so the pad is required to protect the analyzer.

Power control: While I have seen settings of 30dBm, the chip won’t actually do more than 22. Just a limitation of the chip. Measuring with spectrum analyzer, it does seem that the power setting tracks the requested power up to 22dBm. Ok, no issue there.

Frequency slot: I’m leaving that at the default of 20, which puts me at 906.875. Usually that’s what I get. Using the spectrum analyzer, and max hold over a period of hours, it appears that the unit sometimes sends in slot 19, and sometimes 21. Repeatable across all my units. I sometimes catch it doing all three slots in what appears to be a single transmission. Of course this happens rarely and is hard to capture. Here is one such incident. Normally I would see a rectangular spectrum 250kHz wide Sorry, it will only let me put in one image…

Harmonics and general output issues: Sometimes the units appear to be transmitting except nothing shows up on the spectrum analyzer. Just no output at all. Sometimes I see harmonics at reasonable levels like -40dBc and other times +10 on the second harmonic and +15 on third harmonic.

I’d like to dig in and see what’s being passed to the appropriate functions.
Unfortunately I have had no luck tracking down the files needed to compile 2.3.13.
I see a lot of traffic in the same vein, is there a solid link to a file set that will compile?

This is waayyy too deep for the regulars on the Heltec forum. Most people here are just frustrated by the Heltec board support package with the occasional license problem in between.
I expect there are people on Meshtastic forum/Discord/whatever with way more knowledge, and this may not be a Heltec problem but more a Meshtastic problem, so I definitely recommend posting over there.

Hmm. So to boil it down to the minimum, it appears that there may be some issues in the shipped firmware. I’d like to investigate that, but before I start, I need a coherent file set that actually compiles into the 2.3.13 hex file.

sx1262 only get till 22dB (as power definition as well)

maybe using radiolib library? (which also limits it to 22 on sx1262)