Heltec V3.2 boot looping - bricked? [Resolved]

Hi everyone,

I’ve been using my Heltec v3 for a couple of hours and after resetting it (unplugging power) it seems to have bricked it. I can’t get it to go into download mode by holding the ‘PRG’ button on the board and also can’t query it over Serial (read_mac from esptool.py etc. all doesn’t work).

When connecting to the serial over USB @ 115200 I just see a repeated ‘ESP-ROM;esp32s’ over and over. I will try to upload a screenshot to the post.

Is there any way to recover from this or do you think it’s bricked?

Thanks all

Most of the V3 devices can be put into bootloader mode by holding PROG (or USER) and pressing BOOT while holding PROG. So press PROG, press BOOT, release BOOT, release PROG.

I have a PRG and RST on the board. If I press and hold PRG and then tap RST followed by releasing PRG, the output on serial temporarily pauses and continues to output as per the screenshot

What’s your power source? Any chance it is dropping, causing a restart?

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I’ve tried USB power banks, my desktop PC and my laptop. It was working fine on all of these to start with so I’d be inclined to say it shouldn’t be that. I did also swap USB C cables just in case that was having an affect.

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So which exact board do you have - there are more that qualify as Heltec V3, although from the button naming I’d guess a Wireless Paper - please also include the version (e.g. v1.1). And do you use USB-C to USB-A or USB-C to USB-C cables?

It’s a HTIT-WB32LAF Heltec V3.2 - sorry, I can’t see anything more on the board. If it helps, here’s the amazon link https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07QXQ1QHY. I’ve tried both USB-C to C and USB-C to USB-A all with the same outcome. I’ve used a range of cables too.

I’ve certainly not seen anything like that before. I just booted up a V3 [WiFi LoRa 32] board [under the Adruino IDE] to check the normal message sequence and ESP-ROM:esp32s doesn’t show up anywhere. Unfortunately, however, Heltec has form when it comes to making significant [hardware] changes between minor revisions of boards, so my experience might be irrelevant when dealing with a V3.2 board.

Are you using the Arduino IDE or one of the other development platforms?

Either way, and this is a real long shot, but some of us had a problem a little while back getting CubeCell boards to boot/load. In the end, we had to follow the sequence suggested by @bns but keep the PRG button pressed throughout the load sequence, or at least until the load sequence had commenced. In the case of my ‘problem board’ this is an intermittent problem—sometimes it boots/loads as you’d expect, other times not.

On the cable front, as I recall, if you’re seeing messages, even if you don’t like the ones you’re seeing, on the Serial Monitor, the cable should be OK.

Beyond all that, if I had to guess at what might be going on, I’d say it looks like the board has correctly identified what it needs to start the boot cycle, i.e. it’s working with an ESP32-S boot ROM, but it can’t find what it needs after that, for whatever reason. You say that output pauses when you follow the PRG/BOOT button sequence, if you keep the PRG button pressed, does the output stop? And then does this provide any opportunity to provide input?

If the board still won’t cooperate after all that, we might be needing @ashley, or whoever it is from Heltec who is monitoring this forum these days, to offer some comment.

All of this, of course, assumes that there’s nothing unusual going on as a result of some ‘reseller’ arrangement between Heltec and DollaTek (based on the link you provided above) and that the board you are using is indeed identical to those shipped directly by Heltec.

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@UniquePete thanks for this, so what you’re seeing from the screenshot is me having connected via Putty to /dev/ttyUSB0. The baud rate has to be 115200 for me to get this output.

If I hold down the PRG button and reset, the output continues as the screenshot shows - it only pauses when I hit RST and only for a fraction of a second, then continues to output the ESP32-S ROM output.

I’m very much out of ideas at this point, any help is much appreciated.

Just to update on this - I must’ve damaged something on the board by trying to use a PD charger as a power source.

Using the battery input on the bottom of the device powers it up, I was able to reflash meshtastic and power the device online as expected.

Even using a power bank on the usb-c port still fails. Guess I’ve damaged a chip somewhere!

Thanks for all your help guys.

I believe the board it not set up properly for PD chargers. Use USB A to USP C cable to ensure 5VDC only.