Heltec V3.1 vs V3.2 what changed?


im trying to see what changed on the V3.2 as I can flash it normally and SPIFFS writing is not being achieved with Platformio + VSCODE for this board

Well, believe it or not, they inverted the control logic for Vext, so that may be biting you. Perhaps check the board schematic (note that, at the time of writing, this is not the schematic you will get if you follow the link on their product information page!) for anything else that might be impacting what you are doing.

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great info:

changing VEXT “polarity” worked like a charm

@Heltec : there should be a cleaner way of discovering what have been changed on each version

Hello, heltec v3.2 has made the following changes:

  • Vext changed to LDO.
  • Modified the layout according to espressif’s suggestions for changes.
  • Modify the problem of easy adhesion of some parts.
  • The charging chip is changed to LGS4056H.

The most important point is:

  • Modified voltage detection circuit, now need to pull up the ADC_Ctrl(GPIO 37).

also got it right :wink: THANKS