Heltec M02 v2 - Cannot connect to The Things Network

I am trying to connect the device to the Things Network using the CUPS protocol. I am following the directions on the Heltec website and also the Things Networking.

When I look at the Things Network gateway status I get the message “This gateway has not made any connection attempts yet.” The gateway has “no status”.

In this example, assume I have created a free “discovery” account on the Things Network using the name “my-cloud”.

More information about their plans are here

On the things side, I have the following configurations

  1. General Settings -> Require authenticated connection = enabled
  2. Lora Basic Station LNS Authentication API key created and set on General Settings -> Lora Basics Station LNS Authentication key = LNS API key
  3. Gateway server address = my-cloud.nam1.cloud.thethings.industries

On the Heltec side, I have configured the

  1. CUPS server with the server address “https://my-cloud.nam1.cloud.thethings.industries
  2. Authentication = TLS Server and Client Token
  3. Trust certificate = ISRG X1 root certification from here.
  4. Protocol = Basic station
  5. Port = 443
  6. API token = provided by the things Network

I wonder if the problem is caused by an incorrect LNS and CUPS server address. I have read about server addresses for the cloud console. The document is a little unclear.

What am I doing wrong here? How would I check whether the MT-M02 is even making outbound CUPS messages? The UI doesnt’ provide an easy way to determine the messages that are going outbound or even get meaningful logs. The Heltec Packet logger shows no messages.