Heltec Lora/wifi esp3 v3 exchanging packets with Reyax RYLR998

I am trying Heltec Lora/wifi esp3 v3 sending a LoRA packet to Reyax RYLR998. My understanding is that if you set the same parameters on Heltec and Reyax RYLR998 it should work as LoRa just performs a BROADCAST without a specific address. I started with using two heltec_esp32 library examples: first, I used LoRaSender.ino and trying to recieve a packet on Reyax RYLR998 from Heltec Lora/wifi esp3 without much luck. Then I used LoRaReciever.ino example on Heltec Lora/wifi esp3 and send packets from Reyax RYLR998 using just AT commands from serial terminal. Reyax RYLR998 has concept of LoRA NETWORKID and LoRa ADDRESS for point to point communications which I think just encapsulated address in the packets themself and not LoRa protocol, so I am not sure if this causes issues. However, when packets sent from Reyax RYLR998 to Heltec it should not theoretically effect the reception of them. Anyway, I wonder if anyone here had any luck with similar setup or has any suggestions for me. Below are the settings on both radios. On Reyax RYLR998 I have tried setting NETWORKID to 18(default), 12, 0 and 1 and setting ADDRESS to 1 or 0 with no any progress.

RF_FREQUENCY (915Mhz: 915000000)

I have no experience with the Reyax product, but missing from your list of parameters that must be set to match on each end is the SYNCWORD. By default, the Heltec product uses a LORA_MAC_PRIVATE_SYNCWORD setting of 0x12.

Thank you, UniquePete! I will try and let you know.