Heltec HT-WB32_V3 to HiLetGo ST7735 SPI pin usage

Did some research to try to determine the pins that are available to connect this display via SPI. From the docs I see MOSI = 23, MISO = 19, SCLK = 18 and SS = 5. I know pin 18 is used by I2C for the on-board display. What is the proper method to specify alternate pins? When I used the command to init the display, I get errors saying duplicate pins are used. (ie: tft.initR(INITR_144GREENTAB); // Init ST7735R chip, green tab). I’m thinking SPI is not usable on this Heltec ESP32.

Thank you for any information.
Added: So far I have found CS - pin 39, RST - 37, DC - 38, Backlight (LED) - 7

Solution is to edit the pins_arduino.h file to the pins you wish to use for SPI.
I used MOSI = 6, MISO = 20, SCK = 19, and SS = 26

Works great!
