I am trying to connect my HT-M02 V2 to TTN and chirpstack but unable to. Have followed all documentations and tried troubleshooting but no avail. If anyone is able to advise/help it will be greatly appreciated…
I’m on a schedule as well for this as a school project, I’m at a lost.
Hi, I’m not too sure, would you mind if you help take a look? I couldn’t connect to TTN and chirpstack via UDP packet forwarder so i tried basicstation instead.
Yes, it’s obvious that your server address is not paired. If you choose TTN, it should be the URL of TTN, and if it’s chipstack, it should be the URL of chipstack.
thats not the URL…? i thought that was it… same with chirpstack. I don’t understand gateway servers since i only use firebase for my previous project with the LoRa32 V3
Heltec just updated their documentation as it was unclear which works for the Things Stack supported by the non-profit, the Things Network. Their support team is very helpful. I was not able to get the Heltec Gateway to operate on the for-profit Things Industries Network Server using the free Discovery plan for some reason (no support at that tier so no luck in solving it)
For clarity, TTI, a commercial company, provides TTN for free. There is the TTN Foundation, but TTN itself has no income so isn’t even a non-profit - more a zero profit - actually a negative-profit given TTI paying for the AWS instances!
The very same stack is used on TTN and TTI instances. If you are running a Discovery instance there are extra features but it should be the same. Paid support is available on any TTI instance, TTN support is via the their forum.
That page has the CUPS setup using https, the next page along, LNS, has details for the LNS protocol which bypasses CUPS and LNS does use sockets but we don’t normally see those details because CUPS sorts it all out for us. From callout at top of second page:
The LNS protocol is required for sending and receiving LoRaWAN® data with LoRa Basics™ Station, while the CUPS protocol is not. However, configuring CUPS will automatically retrieve LNS credentials and configure LNS on your gateway, so there is no need to configure both.
If Heltec wish to supply me or @bns any hardware to independently test / verify instructions, we’d be more than happy to assist - we are both good at TTS and OK with Chirpstack.