Heltec.h OLED Display

Hey, I am using the heltec wifi kit v3, and i want to output a Variable, so for example:

int LED = 1;
Heltec.display -> drawString(0, 0, "LED status: ");
Heltec.display -> drawString(50, 0, LED);

The display on the board should show:
LED status 0

Anybody know how to do it ?

Here’s the display constructor from the WiFi Kit 32 V3 FactoryTest.ino sketch:

SSD1306Wire factory_display(0x3c, 500000, SDA_OLED, SCL_OLED, GEOMETRY_128_64, RST_OLED); // addr , freq , i2c group , resolution , rst

with subsequent calls in the form:

factory_display.drawXbm(0,5,logo_width,logo_height,(const unsigned char *)logo_bits);

so I’d suggest checking what libraries you are using for the V3 board. I’ve not tried myself, but there are several posts on this forum that suggest that the ‘Heltec’ library that was previously used is not compatible with V3 (i.e. ESP32-S3 based) boards.