I just purchased 2x Heltec esp32 lora v3.1 from Amazon, I got them today and have install the CP210x drivers. I can see the ESP32 show up and attach to a COM port. but when i boot it, this is the screens that i can and i can never get connectivity to any utility to flash with Meshtastic. Ive also tried holding the PRG button while plugging it in, as mentioned in a reddit post, this has no affect.
Both of the unit act the exact same way.
What am i doing wrong or what do i need to do to get past this?
First boot screen; with amber light on Heltec
Wifi Setup done
Scan start…”
Second Screen: with amber light on Heltec
It stays on this screen for a long time
Third Screen Change: with a bright white light
"WIFI XX time:122
WIFI Scan Cnt:8 Rssi-59
LoRa Error"