Heltec ESP32 Lora V1

I have an older V1 ESP32 Lora board that I’m trying to get up and running. It was previously programmed and in working condition, however after installing the Arduiino IDE and appropriate libraries, I’m unable to get a simple UART hello world to run. The orange light on the board constantly blinks and UART output is garbage.

I didn’t have any issues with my V3 board, but this V1 board seems to be having some issues. Any idea how I can program this board?

For whatever reason the serial monitor seems to actually work at 74880 despite the code being set to 115200. Regardless I at least have some useful output.

19:52:14.658 -> ELF file SHA256: ee03cd0c5d233290
19:52:14.658 ->
19:52:14.658 -> E (155) esp_core_dump_flash: Core dump flash config is corrupted! CRC=0x7bd5c66f instead of 0x0
19:52:14.658 -> E (164) esp_core_dump_elf: Elf write init failed!
19:52:14.689 -> E (168) esp_core_dump_common: Core dump write failed with error=-1
19:52:14.689 -> Rebooting...
19:52:14.689 -> ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
19:52:14.689 ->
19:52:14.689 -> rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x17 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
19:52:14.689 -> configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
19:52:14.689 -> clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00
19:52:14.722 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
19:52:14.722 -> load:0x3fff0030,len:1448
19:52:14.722 -> load:0x40078000,len:14844
19:52:14.722 -> ho 0 tail 12 room 4
19:52:14.722 -> load:0x40080400,len:4
19:52:14.722 -> load:0x40080404,len:3356
19:52:14.722 -> entry 0x4008059c
19:52:14.885 -> E (133) spi_flash: Detected size(4096k) smaller than the size in the binary image header(8192k). Probe failed.
19:52:14.917 ->
19:52:14.917 -> assert failed: do_core_init startup.c:350 (flash_ret == ESP_OK)
19:52:14.917 ->
19:52:14.917 ->
19:52:14.917 -> Backtrace: 0x40082181:0x3ffe3ab0 0x4008806d:0x3ffe3ad0 0x4008d0ea:0x3ffe3af0 0x400d983a:0x3ffe3c20 0x400824ae:0x3ffe3c50 0x400794fe:0x3ffe3c90 |<-CORRUPTED

Unfortunately, the V1 and V3 boards are entirely different at many levels. I haven’t programmed a V1 board in a while, but the problem being reported in your output is an error in the boards.txt file that you are using—I thought this had been fixed but apparently not.

The boards.txt file is located in the following directory (Arduino IDE 2.0.2, macOS), or something similar in later releases of the Heltec-esp32 support package:


The entries:


need to be amended to:

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Thanks, I gave it a try but unfortunately it might be bricked. Nothing I do seems to stop the esp32 from spitting out this error message. Even esptool from the cli with erase_all --force doesn’t stop it from running. If I can find a way to erase the device, I will give your updates a shot.

Well it’s not bricked, I guess this is a common issue and is related to the Arduino IDE? I can get a hello world app to run if I select Wifi Kit 32 as my board. Also flashing the boot loader using idf.py seems to get it unstuck as well.

This worked, apparently I just need glasses. I changed the partitions like you suggested, but didn’t realize until just now that you changed the flash size to 4MB from 8MB. Once I spotted my error, your suggestion worked perfectly.

Yes, sad this hasn’t been fixed yet. Seems like this issue has been going on for several years.